Monday, January 23, 2023

Comparison with the world best cassette decks Nakamichi 1000ZXL Dragon, Revox B710 MKII and Pioneer T770s and T1000S

Comparison in Price 

Highest to lowest Naka 1000ZXL, Dragon, Revox B710MK II, Pioneer T1000S, Pioneer T770S

Sound performance

Nakamichi 1000 ZXL, Pioneer T1000S, Dragon, Revox B710-MK II, Pioneer T770S


Best is Nakamichi 1000 ZXL, Dragon, Revox B710 MK II, Pioneer T1000S


Highest to lowest Nakamichi 1000 ZXL, Revox B710MK II, Dragon, Pioneer T1000S, Pioneer T770S

Ease of use

Dragon (with Remote control), Pioneer T1000S auto door open close, T770S (same operation as T1000S), Revox B710MK II, Nakamichi 1000ZXL

Difference between Pioneer T1000S and T770S is same in operation, but the internal construction and use of electronics components is T1000S better than the T770s, T1000 is using a lot of honeycomb copper base plate and isolation plate.

Comparison with Dragon and Pioneer T1000S

Dragon is 3 motors direct drive, T1000 is 3 motors belt driven

Dragon Frequency response is 20-22KHZ Vs Pioneer is 20-30KHZ both on metal tapes

Wow and Flutter Dragon is 0.04% Vs Pioneer is 0.022%

THD of dragon is 0.8% VS Pioneer is 0.6% 

weight of Dragon is 9.5Kg, Vs Pioneer T1000 is 8.6Kg

Proce of Dragon on 1983-1995 was DM 4,150 to 4500 Vs Pioneer was only DM 2200 in 1993

Two Big Audio magazine nominated Pioneer T1000S as the Reference Cassette deck as the only one.

In Short Pioneer T1000S is better in performance than Dragon. 

But few people know about it and Dragon has been in the market for 13 years and was famous and its price is 2 times higher than Pioneer, so most people think Dragon is better deck than Pioneer T1000S.

This is purely my personal experience on this only, all are great decks.

I think price will be up tomorrow.

HK Snob


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