Sunday, August 14, 2022

Goldmund Mimesis 2 pre amplifier


This kind of amplifier all composed with discrete transistors in the signal path similar as Mark Levinson No. 26S. What I I think this could be having a controlling performance even after many years, tougher in reliability.  As the transistor itself carries its own task to do them amplifying the signals with a much bigger area or space for the electrons flow and heat dissipation. There is less Miller feedback between collector and gate than an IC would make... from what I understand. The dual supply of this design would give better channel separation.

Listening comparison with Goldmund 27.3 preamp, I think the sound is similar in the first day, this is second day, the Mimesis 2 is doing running in. The Volume of bass is getting warmer and more in intensity. Mid and High is more transparent, especially the weak gimble sound, its tonal quality as light as a feather, bass is full volumetric in intensity. 

Let's see more a few days.

HK Snob

Sunday, July 31, 2022

New found long lost Hi Fi fun: Cassette tape

 recently by occasion, I bought a Nakamichi 1000ZXL, wow, to my surprise, it is better than all my CD system in terms of music reproduction liveness, transparency and fun. Many people says that isn't true, well, to my friend who is in love with cassette knows it. Until you try you know.

to me Vinyl is 100%, Cassette is 90% and CD is 80% only.

Well, only open reel system I have no experience so it is not included in the comparison. I know is is on top of vinyl. But I don't know if there is enough recorded tape for me to puchase.

HK Snob

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Nakamichi 1000ZXL computing cassette tape deck

咗套Critical Mass Systems 嘅Centre Stage釘腳落部中道 Nakamichi 1000ZXL 度,果然低音實在左! 聽”A fistful of dollars & “for a few dollars more”.

第一面嘅”almost dead”那種口哨聲咁淒涼寂寞嘅感覺聽到都毛骨悚然。

第二面 之經典名曲,果然即是非偶然,結他結象輪廓清晰,第一下大鼓低音打出嚟嚇得人彈起身,令人不知所措,人聲更加有肉感,口哨聲更加動聽, 有啲口水花彈到我個面上,攞紙巾都攞唔切。

HK Snob

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Nakamichi 1000ZXL Computing cassette deck

讀書年代, 放暑假同同學去尖沙咀漆咸道愛群無線電行聽當時這部中道嘅卡式機旗艦1000Z X L,當時覺得你聲音真係太美妙,面板好多操控制,當然那一位銷售顧問好细心介紹這臺機器比我地,我望一望價錢$14,800我仲記得㗎唔使諗啦,當年一個大學畢業生月薪只不過$1400,一足一年人工先至買到呢部嘢,事隔40多年終於今日可以了一個情意結啦,抬佢番家!

HK Snob


Friday, April 8, 2022

New Tweak to upgrade your Hi Fi system at minimum cost

There will be a solution to improve your audio system with merely a simple way to reduce 

the system signal path resistance.

Don't waste thousand dollars on the connection cable, or loudspeaker cable upgrade, try this first!

A new product is about to be released where by we can effectively reduce your connection issues

with outstanding listening improvement with upgrade on clarity, and Nosie reduction.

HK Snob